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Friday, January 7, 2011

Things You Just Can't Talk About:Brief

Disclaimer: This entry is all about religion, sex, politics, race and all the other stuff that people think about but don't really know how to say in polite conversation. If this entry offends you then I'm sorry because it wasn't my intention. This entry will more than likely offend you though and if you feel that you are someone who would be offended by the following comments stop reading now, but I am still going to express my right to free speech and continue writing.

Maybe it's because people are overly sensitive. Or maybe it's because people are ignorant, that might be it. Religion is one of those things that's a little awkward to have conversations about because everyone is worried about offending everyone else. Personally I think that Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are the same religion and there is no reason for them to be fighting.

Basic Things they have in common:
1. They believe in one God
2. They believe in giving to charities
3. They believe in an afterlife or "heaven"
4. They believe that you need to do "good' works to get to "heaven"

and those are just basic things they have in common. Personally I am a Christian, and this is because of a number of personal reasons. I know that Christianity, a long with other religions, gets a pretty bad rap because of the extremists. Of course if you want to believe that ALL Christians are rednecks who carry bibles and spit on gay people then that is YOUR opinion. This still remains to be inaccurate just as it is inaccurate to say that all Islamic people want to bomb the United States. It's also lumped together with Jews being cheap and the scapegoat for all of Germany's financial problems. Of course I can't just compare people with faulty opinions to Hitler, that would of course be just as extreme but I can say that if the people who judge those people have any kind of religion, they are breaking it by judging those people. In Buddhism you would believe in Karma so wouldn't your actions to one group of people come back to get you in the end? To those people who don't have a religion, which is perfectly fine, you still have a moral code because every human does. I just don't like it when people without a religion or a belief try to say something bad about a religion they know nothing about. First do your research before you try to blame one group for something. In the end I believe that the important thing is to have your own belief and still respect other beliefs because in the end we are all human.
(this obviously isn't all religion, but it needs to be brief)

This is a topic that parents really don't talk to their young people about, which I personally find dumb. Here I will mention the whole Virgin and Virgout controversy. By the way Virgout is the new word for someone who no longer has their virginity, something that in America we had no name for. Here's the mystery about sex in the United States, we really hate it here. Or maybe hate is a bad way to describe it. Sex is so taboo and yet so fascinating because of television and other media. Parents don't tell their kids what sex feels like or how important it is for population increase. They just say don't do it. And that's the sad thing, because I think they already know saying it that their teenagers are probably going to have sex. The reason I think this is, is because teenagers know nothing about sex and they also feel, because of the media, that if they don't it's weird. Of course the word sex means more than just intercourse and that brings us to the topic of homosexuals. I feel the statement "some people are gay, get over it" pretty much says it all, but of course we have to go deeper than that. It's hard for me to be bias on this one because I just don't get the hate, so instead of bias I'm just going to call it hate. Let's take a look at those super religious extremists first, well they think that all gay people are evil and terrible and they are going to rape and corrupt our nation. Then there are those certain churches [of less than 40 people, which doesn't sound very legit] who believe that because America loves gay people, god is punishing America with 9/11, the recession, the natural disasters and it's the reason that soldiers are dying in Iraq. Wow those gays have been really busy to get all of that done. Seriously? Now I know that there are mixed feelings about the topic of "gay marriage." However I don't get it, I don't see how gay people getting married really effects the straight people in anyway and why shouldn't they be able to get married? In America we don't live in a dictatorship, and therefore the government can't tell you who you can or cannot love.

This is a topic that I've never been particularly good at, but I do understand the basics because I read and watch the news. I'll continue with gay marriage then. The real reason why it's not passed is because of the people. In a democracy the people run everything, it may not seem that way but it is because in certain situations if someone makes a rule in a state and the people don't like it they can just vote for someone else, and then the rule can disappear or just not be enforced correctly. That was a bad example I know but it does actually happen. The reason I think that people don't typically have pleasant conversation about politics is because of the parties. Democrats and Republicans seem to have forgotten that they both are working for the people in the same country. They have become enemies and they literally hate each other. It used to not be like that, for examples in the days around Kennedy's time the members of congress used to go out and play golf or something together. Republicans and Democrats, whatever it didn't matter. But now the two groups don't want to be seen together because that would be like hanging out with the "enemy." Of course this isn't right but the public will see things the way they will. Also being an independent isn't all too easy these days either because in Florida I know that the primaries are "party closed" I think it's called where in the primaries you can only vote for those people running in your party. Let me know what you think about that.

This is going to be brief because this is getting longer than I wanted it to be. I feel that people are a bit too sensitive about a topic such as race. I'm no racist but I don't see why people are so obsessed with it. It's just that older people feel uncomfortable using the word "black" to describe well a black person. And the problem here is that the term we use is "African american" but there's a problem here because not every black person is from Africa. Some are Haitian or from Trinidad or maybe they're Dominican because I know a lot of really dark Dominican people so that is just as possible. There are still words that you can't say, that some black people say and while I don't understand the use of the N word at all I have to stand by the statement that "words are words, and they can never physically hurt a person" which has always been my excuse for cursing. Back to race though, it's not a problem that I find is really that big of a deal today. Yes there are places where racism does take place against black people, and now ever more recently Hispanic immigrants, not just aliens but American citizens. However it's not so primary a concern now a days. Race always brings me to those terms of acceptance that I just assume everyone has but unfortunately they don't all have the same levels of acceptance. I still have to stick to my guns, even when I say "if you realize now that a black person can't be a slave just because they look different, then why can't same sex couples marry each other? The only difference is a sexual preference."

I will leave you with that tidbit of information and there are still some things I wanted to address but of course this got a bit long so I have to stop now. Let me know what you think about these topics. Also if you have any kind of preference to what topics I write about let me know. Again I didn't mean for this to be offensive and I don't see it as offensive. Be good to each other.

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